Today we continue our series on Christian Growth with Putting God First.
Today we continue our series on Christian Growth. We hope you will enjoy and walk more confidently with our LORD.
This series is on Christian Growth. We all need to remember once we are saved that is just the beginning of our walk with Jesus, as sons and daughters of God. The world around us seems good in so many ways until we see the true meaning of their words. God's word does not change ever!
Today we start a new series on Christian Growth. Our first int he series is Foundation Pt. 1. In our world we are seeing many things and must ask why.
Today is the last of our One Way series. We hope you enjoyed it. THis series was brought to us from CEF and the 5 Day Clubs this past summer.
COntinuing our series One Way- today we talk of Jairus' daughter. We still have a little sound problem but are making headway.
Continuing our " One Way Series Today we talk about Rahab and How she obeyed and helped Gods Plan for His people.
Today we continue our series on One Way with Honoring God. the story of Cain and Abel.
A new series beging today One Way. There will be five sermons in this series. At some point we will get the sound figured out. I know its not great please bear with us. If you know what's going on, don't hesitate to tell us.
This is the last in our series on Salvation. Today I took the Worship music off as the recording did not record the music right.
As we have been taliking about salvation, today we come to the doctrine of Election.
Today we continue our series on Salvation with the meaning of the death of Jesus (crucifixion) and the cross.
Our second in this series on Salvation.
What is salvation and how do we recieve it from God. Join us on a serries addressing this question.
Happy Fahtheer's Day.
Hellop everyone. Today we worship with our service to others.
With all the labls society want to place on our names so people can talke to us lets join thier game and give ourselves an identity of saved.
In our country we have a memorial day celebration. Let's take a look at what God has set up as a memorial.
Welcome! Today we take a look at 1 Timothy chapter 4. We hope you will enjoy and hear God.